Muc Off Miracle Shine – 500mls
- 去除瑕疵並填補輕微划痕
- Flouro Polymer 技術創造了一個微觀保護層
- 排除氣水和大氣污染物
- 減少清洗和維護時間
- 矽油易於塗抹並具有令人難以置信的光澤深度
- 不會留下粉狀白色殘留物
- 在油漆、清漆、碳纖維、鉻、金屬和塑料上安全
- Removes imperfections and fills minor scratches
- Flouro Polymer technology creates a microscopic layer of protection
- Repels water and atmospheric pollutants
- Reduces washing and maintenance time
- Silicon oils allow easy application and incredible depth of shine
- Will not leave a powdery white residue
- Safe on paintwork, clear coat, carbon fibre, chrome, metal & plastics