$200.00 每日
不同車款價錢有別 敬請留意
Attention for the rental bicycle
1) 客戶需要檢查單車的安全性能,能不能夠轉檔及煞型
Customers need to check the bike clearly for the Safety included
the brake and the gear!
Please follow the Hong Kong’s Laws on the bicycle track!
Will get Penalty with and damage or broken and losing the bike!
4) 如客人遇上單車甩鏈或任何問題必須將單車自行退回單車
If the bicycle get any problems, customers need to bring it back to our shop for return or exchange!
5) 客人必須於還車交還單車,否則須根據本公司的規定,超時會以時鐘計算即是超過預定還車時間將會罰款以每小時計算的金額,而客人如果還車時間超越我們開門的時間,將會收取雙倍時鐘費用,客人必須要留意!
Customers need to return the bile on time, late will be charged by hour fee, If return the bile later than our business time will be charged double hour fee with every hour!!
Beattention important.
We don’t have any refund policy for any reason included wather’s problem and the activities cancelling!
You can ask Any questions about the bicycle with our staff!